Hacker's Golf League

Tuesday Nights @ Ute Creek

Team Results Individual Results Handicaps
Weekly Prizes Schedule Golfers Sub List General Info

Commish Note

Congrats to the Hackers Derksen/Patterson for winning Team Low Net 1st place with a total of 139 for $50 each. 2nd place Team Low Net went to Stutzman/Murphy for $25 each with a 140. Individual Low Net goes to Hacker Derksen for $25 with a 65. Closest to the pin on #8 went to Derksen and on #16 to Larsen. Longest Putt goes to Willis and Longest Drive to Patterson. Those were all $25 prizes. There will be a followup email with the date for final year end payouts / Happy Hour.

Please e-mail Bill Murphy if you have any questions